Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Himalayan Vulture or Himalayan Griffon Vulture (Gyps himalayensis)

Himalayan Vulture or Himalayan Griffon Vulture 
Gyps himalayensis
Photo from Pokhara, Nepal

Fact sheet 
Systematic position
Kingdom:  Animalia
Phylum:  Chordata
Subphylum:  Vetebrata
Class: Aves
Order: Falconiformes (or Accipitriformes)
Family: Accipitridae
Genus: Gyps
Species: G. himalayensis
Binomial name: Gyps himalayensis
Nepali name: Muddulo Giddha

Elevation: 76-61,00 meter
Entire length: 115-125 cm
Wing’s length: 260-310 cm
Weight           : 8-12 kg
Reproduction : only one egg in hill
Incubation period: 50 day
Time of chick flying: 4-5 months
Habitat:   900-4000 m height

Carrion, the bird never kills a prey for itself,depend mainly on soft tissue of thigh muscles and viscera of dead ponies, yaks,
cows and buffaloes. Very timid and take some time to approach dead animal.
Long, sparsely, feathered and flexible neck, allows deep penetration into carcasses.

grunts, screeches, gooses like clamoring and hisses.

December-March. Nest made up of sticks, twigs and leaves. Nest put high above rocky ledges of precipices and crags. Egg singleton and white unmarked.

Widely distributed throughout 1,000-4,000 meter in Nepal. In  Dolpa, Mustang and Everest region it can be observed roosting and nesting on cliffs . Occurs in Kaligandaki Valley, Langtang Valley, Kathmandu valley, and Chitwan.

Nepal, India, Bhutan and Pakistan

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